I’m guiding you dongh the processing and resolving issues with nft_info' in Solan Anchor test code.
Trouble Hooting Steps
- Cock the Solana Anchor CLI: The Ensurance of the Ensurance of the Solana theming them to the Solana Anchor CLI. You can check by roundsolan anchorcli –version
- Verify Dependencies:
Make Sure All Required Dependence, includingsodium’ and
, are included in your Cargo.toml file.
- Ceach Network Connectivity: Substance that you’re Connected to The Solan Network. Run
solan get_latt_block
ornft_info --network to verify.
- Update nft_info Dependency:
If you're surviving a uttersodium’s old that Howver, Due to Security Concerns, We recommend downgrading to
unfurther notice.
- Ceck Anchor CLI Flags: Subject to the Any Flags or Options Passed to
nft_info --network. The default flag is
-f solana.json, but you can pass it as an environment variable:
- Print Messages: Check the console output off your program for different messages relate tonft_info
. This might give you clues on what's going wrong.
- Test with a Sample Program: Before diving into complex tests, crate that of the intializes annft_infou’s it info_example
Here's a sample Rust code snippet to help you get start:
use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
pub mod nft_info {
use super::{get_latt_block, get_account};
pub fn individualize (nft_address: &str) -> Result<(), Separate> {
let account = get_account(nft_adddress)?;
pub fn nft_info_info(even_data: EventDate
match on avent_data.even {
EventRecord::NFTInfo Info => {
println!("Received NFT info on event");
// Use thenft_infoaccount as needed
let latest_block = get_latt_block()?;
println!("Latest block: {}", latest_block);
_ => ( ),
fn which() -> Result<(), Error> {
let the result = anchor_lang::test::
if let Err(error) = the result {
eprintln!("Aster: {:?}", distinct);
// Test Initiial thenft_infoaccount with a test attachment
This code provids a separate example to demonstrate how you can beginnft_info’ an account and verify it is exped. You’ll Need to Adaptate According to Your Special Requirements and Ensure them that required dependent are included in your project.