Title: Establishing a persistent connection for WebSockes for Ethereum in Python
In this article, we will demonstrate how to establish their network, which allows real -time data exchange and data with smart contracts.
- You have a basic understanding of Python and Ethereum.
- An environment configured with Python 3.X, Node.JS (> = 10) and
ethers.js' library.
- A DJANGO web application for your Crypto payment system.
Step by step instructions:
Step 1: Set up an Ethereum node
First of all, you need to configure an Ethereum knot to serve as a connection point between your app and blockchain. For this example, we will use theEthers.jslibrary to interact with the Ethereum network. Install it by NPM:
NPM Install Eterus
Step 2: Establishing and Connection WebSocout
Next, you must set a persistent connection of the web site using webSockes. We will use the WS
library, which offers an API WebSocout for Node.Js.
Install the required package:
Npm installation ws
Create a new Python file (eg
) and add the following code:
Import webSockes
Async Def Main ():
Create an Ethereum node connection
Async with webSockes.connect ("wss: //") as website:
Manage the connections received
Async for the message in WebSocout:
Process the data received (eg, purchase request)
Print (message)
Replace your_project_id
with the ID of your Infa project.
Step 3: Implement your intelligent contract exposure
In order to interact with the intelligent contract, we must create an instance of it. We will use the Ethers.js
library to create a new intelligent contract court.
Import web3
Configure the Ethereum (Infua) network supplier
wss_url = "wss: //"
contract_address = "0x ... your_contract_address ..."
Contract_abi = "..." your_contract_abi ... "
Async Def Main ():
Created and new
Async with web3.web3 (wss_url) as a supplier:
contract = wait for supplier.ethers.Contract.From_abi (contract_address, contract_abi)
Process the data received from the Ethereum network
Async def process_data ():
While it is true:
Call the Smart Contract feature
Result = wait contract.your_function_name ()
Print (result)
Except the exception that is:
Print (f "error: {e}")
Step 4: Integrate with Django
Finally, we need to integrate our persistent connection of the web site with your DJANGO web application. In this example, we will create a new Django model to store your purchase data.
From Django.db import models
from .ethereum_websocout main import, process_data
Class purchase (models.model):
User_id = models.Charfield (max_length = 255)
sum = models.decimalfield (max_digits = 10, decimal_places = 2)
Define -Do Views and Django templates here
putting everything together:
Here is the full code with all the combined steps:
“ Python
Import webSockes
from .ethereum_websocout main import, process_data
Async Def Main ():
Create an Ethereum node connection
Async with webSockes.connect (“wss: //”) as website:
Manage the connections received
Async for the message in WebSocout:
Process the data received (eg.